Flora, Fauna & Birds

The Fiscalini Ranch Preserve hosts a diverse and fascinating variety of flora and fauna. From the beauty of seasonal wildflowers to the splendor of soaring raptors, the Ranch offers visitors an unmatched display of biodiversity. The Ranch is bordered by a mile and a half of riparian habitat and also contains tidal effect zones, coastal prairie, seasonal freshwater marshes, and wetlands dotted with birds. The rocky coast rises to a 200’ ridge with breathtaking views of migrating whales, sea otters and the Santa Lucia mountains, before sloping south toward willow-edged Santa Rosa Creek. The result is an amazing display of nature's diversity, including a number of endangered species and species of special concern. Red-legged frogs, tidewater gobies, western pond turtles, steelhead, monarch butterflies, great blue herons, burrowing owls, and Cooper's hawks are Ranch residents, along with the compact cobweb thistle and the Cambria morning glory. Coyotes, black-tailed deer, and the occasional bobcat pass under the highway bridge to the western slope in search of dry season springs and forage.

Fiscalini Ranch Preserve Plant Guide 

The Fiscalini Plant Guide by Dr. David Chipping has recently been published by the Native Plant Society-San Luis Obispo. Containing searchable descriptions and photographs of the plants of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve, this book is available as a free download on the Native Plant Society - SLO website.