FULL: Lichens - Beneficial or Harmful to our Native Flora

Location: Registrants will be informed of location
Docent: Brian Morgan
Investigate the "stuff" hanging from our Monterey pines and Coastal Oaks as you take a slow walk along forest trails with your Naturalist docent guide. Is that wispy draping 'plant' harmful to our forest? Why does so much of it hang from dead or dying trees? Food, medicine, clothing...does the delicate growth provide any of these? Does our wonderfully diverse animal life use these for food or shelter? Find the answers to these questions and more as you enjoy the tranquility of the Fiscalini Ranch forest. We'll see you out there!
This is an approximately 2 mile walk with little elevation gain. No dogs please, but children are very welcome with adult supervision. Rain cancels. Remember, there are no restrooms on the Ranch, so plan accordingly.
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