The Enchantment of Spring in our Fiscalini Ranch Forest

Location: Registrants will be informed of location
Docent: Brian Morgan
The forest awakens! Spring wildflowers, still emerging colorful mushrooms, and the gaze of curious fawns and their watchful black tail deer mothers greet us as we walk peaceful forest trails. Notice the majestic Monterey pines as they release a dusting of pollen that will give our forest new growth in years to come. Wispy lace lichens gather moisture to rain on the roots of trees and beautiful understory plants - allowing our flora natives to thrive. How did resident Native Americans, dating back over 8,000 years, enjoy our spring harvest as food, medicine, clothing, dies, tools, and an occasional musical instrument? How do we benefit from the quiet and bounty of our forest today? Be prepared to ask yourself these questions and more...what is that - how did it get there - what does it remind me of - have I seen it before? Learn how to enjoy the benefits of journaling your wilderness adventures, the joy of a slow forest walk, and the meaning of “notice what you notice.”
This walk is free and open to the public with registration. The walk itself is approximately 2 miles with little elevation. Children are welcome when accompanied by an adult. No dogs please. There are no restroom facilities on the Ranch so plan accordingly. Rain cancels.
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