2021.09.01 | Storm Recovery Work Progresses
Storm recovery project on Fiscalini Ranch Preserve is moving ahead. A crew supported by a grant from the San Luis Obispo Fire Safe Council started bright and early on Monday morning. Cambria Community Services District’s (CCSD) Ranch Manager Carlos Mendoza provided direction and support.
Preparation work included marking trees to retain for monarch habitat and dead trees to support other animals. CCSD also mowed an area for equipment staging. Since the biological survey showed no active bird nests, woodrat nests, and signs of animal burrows on the site, work could progress quickly.
By Wednesday afternoon, all major work was complete in the area roughly between the Victoria Way and Marlborough trail entrances and crews were working near the intersection of the Forest Loop and Trenton trails. Temporary trail closures will be necessary to ensure public safety, so please be prepared to take alternate routes. Closure signs will be posted at trail heads. The work should take less than one week.
Photos: FFRP and CCSD
Article first published in https://cambriaca.org/