2023.12.13 | It Takes a Village
Cambria Community Services District holds the title to Fiscalini Ranch Preserve for the people of Cambria and for all Californians. While CCSD has management responsibilities and cares for the Ranch in all major ways, as holders of the conservation easement, it is Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve’s responsibility to ensure that the Ranch’s ecological and public access goals are honored. FFRP does this through thousands of hours of volunteer work each year.
For example, with winter coming on, FFRP will be posting no foraging signs at all forest entrances and working with CCSD to keep trails passable and safe. While CCSD patrols during the rainy season to identify and care for hazardous trees, FFRP leads restoration efforts. These are just a few of the efforts that go into maintaining the Ranch.
Between them, both organizations care for the Ranch but also rely on Cambrians to keep an eye on this gem. FFRP volunteers and CCSD staff cannot be on the Ranch every day to observe all visitor behavior and issues. To help them out, Cambrians often alert FFRP and CCSD of their concerns, from leaning trees to speeding bicycles. This awareness of conditions on the Ranch is much appreciated.
To report a safety concern, please contact CCSD through their website: cambriacsd.org/contact-facilities-resources or call FFRP at (805) 927-2856. For emergency situations, call 911. It is immensely helpful to provide specific Ranch location details, if possible, so someone can address the immediate issue.
Cambrians are rightfully proud to be part of a community that both preserved the Ranch and takes responsibility for caring for it. Thank you!
Article first published in https://cambriaca.org/