2023.09.20 | Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve Supports Development of the Community Park

dog park and picnic area on East Ranch

Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve is very much in favor of the development of a community park on the East Ranch, a park which was envisioned when the preserve was formed in 2000.  The primary responsibility of FFRP is enforcement of the conservation easement on the Ranch.

     A conservation easement is a legal agreement between the landowner and a land conservation organization that permanently limits uses of the land to protect its conservation values.  FFRP, once known as North Coast Small Wilderness Area Preserve, was granted a conservation easement by the Cambria Community Services District in 2003.  The easement applies to the entire Fiscalini Ranch Preserve (east and west).

     The Fiscalini Ranch Preserve easement addresses conservation and natural resource values. Conservation (human) values are not limited to scenic beauty, undeveloped open space, spiritual sustenance, wellbeing, and fullest human experience.  Natural resource values include coastal riparian area, oak and pine woodlands, wetlands, critical habitat, and species of concern.

     The deed of conservation easement and East-West Ranch Public Access & Resource Management Plan are available on the websites of FFRP and CCSD.  The Management Plan is based on a 2009 Final Master Environmental Assessment Report for the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve that is also available on both websites.

     The intent of Fiscalini Ranch Preserve is to preserve and/or restore and maintain conservation and natural resource values through limiting use to passive recreation (sightseeing, walking, biking, and similar activities) in accordance with the Management Plan, except for the Community Park, which needs its own management plan.  To date, there is no management plan for the Community Park.

     FFRP’s involvement with the community park is ensuring that all approved facilities comply with the terms and conditions of the conservation easement.  FFRP does not endorse or condone particular recreational activities, only evaluates their compliance with the easement. FFRP is very much in favor of development of a community park on the East Ranch, starting with the parking lot, dog park, and soon a restroom facility.

Article first published in https://cambriaca.org/