CANCELLED due to condition of trails: Monarch Butterflies-from Clusters, to Caterpillars, to Miracles

CANCELLED due to condition of trails: Monarch Butterflies-from Clusters, to Caterpillars, to Miracles
Mar 18
10am - 12:30 pm

Location: Registrants will be informed of location
Docent: Brian Morgan

The past few years have seen a precipitous drop in migratory Monarch butterflies returning to the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve to overwinter.  Why? And why has this migratory season shown an increase in the resting and mating insects? When they leave in March and April, and the migratory ones will, where do they go?  Why?  

Find the answers to these questions and much more as you stroll the Fiscalini Ranch forest with a knowledgeable docent guide. Search for late blooming mushrooms, lungless ensatinas, early spring wildflowers, lovely lichens, and the many forest surprises that you'll notice at each turn in the trail. Does anything live in that upside-down cone of tree debris? How about that platform of branches and needles in the crown of the mighty Monterey Pine?  How did it get there and why? Learn how to hear, smell, walk, and see like our animal friends as you enjoy the Fiscalini Ranch forest wonders.

The walk is approximately 2 1/2 miles along trails with very little elevation gain. The stroll usually takes 2 1/2 hours to complete. Wear closed toe shoes and long pants to protect from trip points and poison oak. There are no toilet facilities on the Ranch-come prepared. The walk is open to all by reservation only. Children are very welcome, with adult supervision.  No dogs please.  Rain cancels the walk.


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